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3 формы глагола to shear

Глагол to shear

В этом материале мы познакомимся поближе с английским глаголом to shear — его словарными значениями, примерами употребления, тремя формами и таблицей спряжения.

Основные значения и употребление глагола shear

Глагол shear имеет следующие основные значения:

  • резать, срезать (шерсть, волосы, и т. д.) — She sheared the sheep last week. (Она стригла овец на прошлой неделе.)
  • соскользнуть (о грузе и т. п.) — The box sheared off the deck. (Ящик соскользнул с палубы.)
  • отламывать, отломать — The storm sheared off several tree branches. (Буря отломила несколько веток деревьев.)

Формы глагола shear

Основные формы глагола shear следующие:

  • Infinitive: shear
  • Past Simple: sheared / shore
  • Past Participle: sheared / shorn
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Спряжение глагола shear с примерами

Далее представлена таблица спряжения глагола shear во всех временах и лицах в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной форме:

Время Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
Present Simple I shear
You shear
He/she/it shears
We shear
They shear
I do not shear
You do not shear
He/she/it does not shear
We do not shear
They do not shear
Do I shear?
Do you shear?
Does he/she/it shear?
Do we shear?
Do they shear?
Present Continuous I am shearing
You are shearing
He/she/it is shearing
We are shearing
They are shearing
I am not shearing
You are not shearing
He/she/it is not shearing
We are not shearing
They are not shearing
Am I shearing?
Are you shearing?
Is he/she/it shearing?
Are we shearing?
Are they shearing?
Past Simple I sheared / shore
You sheared / shore
He/she/it sheared / shore
We sheared / shore
They sheared / shore
I did not shear
You did not shear
He/she/it did not shear
We did not shear
They did not shear
Did I shear?
Did you shear?
Did he/she/it shear?
Did we shear?
Did they shear?
Past Continuous I was shearing
You were shearing
He/she/it was shearing
We were shearing
They were shearing
I was not shearing
You were not shearing
He/she/it was not shearing
We were not shearing
They were not shearing
Was I shearing?
Were you shearing?
Was he/she/it shearing?
Were we shearing?
Were they shearing?
Present Perfect I have sheared / shorn
You have sheared / shorn
He/she/it has sheared / shorn
We have sheared / shorn
They have sheared / shorn
I have not sheared / shorn
You have not sheared / shorn
He/she/it has not sheared / shorn
We have not sheared / shorn
They have not sheared / shorn
Have I sheared / shorn?
Have you sheared / shorn?
Has he/she/it sheared / shorn?
Have we sheared / shorn?
Have they sheared / shorn?
Present Perfect Continuous I have been shearing
You have been shearing
He/she/it has been shearing
We have been shearing
They have been shearing
I have not been shearing
You have not been shearing
He/she/it has not been shearing
We have not been shearing
They have not been shearing
Have I been shearing?
Have you been shearing?
Has he/she/it been shearing?
Have we been shearing?
Have they been shearing?
Past Perfect I had sheared / shorn
You had sheared / shorn
He/she/it had sheared / shorn
We had sheared / shorn
They had sheared / shorn
I had not sheared / shorn
You had not sheared / shorn
He/she/it had not sheared / shorn
We had not sheared / shorn
They had not sheared / shorn
Had I sheared / shorn?
Had you sheared / shorn?
Had he/she/it sheared / shorn?
Had we sheared / shorn?
Had they sheared / shorn?
Past Perfect Continuous I had been shearing
You had been shearing
He/she/it had been shearing
We had been shearing
They had been shearing
I had not been shearing
You had not been shearing
He/she/it had not been shearing
We had not been shearing
They had not been shearing
Had I been shearing?
Had you been shearing?
Had he/she/it been shearing?
Had we been shearing?
Had they been shearing?
Future Simple I will shear
You will shear
He/she/it will shear
We will shear
They will shear
I will not shear
You will not shear
He/she/it will not shear
We will not shear
They will not shear
Will I shear?
Will you shear?
Will he/she/it shear?
Will we shear?
Will they shear?
Future Continuous I will be shearing
You will be shearing
He/she/it will be shearing
We will be shearing
They will be shearing
I will not be shearing
You will not be shearing
He/she/it will not be shearing
We will not be shearing
They will not be shearing
Will I be shearing?
Will you be shearing?
Will he/she/it be shearing?
Will we be shearing?
Will they be shearing?
Future Perfect I will have sheared / shorn
You will have sheared / shorn
He/she/it will have sheared / shorn
We will have sheared / shorn
They will have sheared / shorn
I will not have sheared / shorn
You will not have sheared / shorn
He/she/it will not have sheared / shorn
We will not have sheared / shorn
They will not have sheared / shorn
Will I have sheared / shorn?
Will you have sheared / shorn?
Will he/she/it have sheared / shorn?
Will we have sheared / shorn?
Will they have sheared / shorn?
Future Perfect Continuous I will have been shearing
You will have been shearing
He/she/it will have been shearing
We will have been shearing
They will have been shearing
I will not have been shearing
You will not have been shearing
He/she/it will not have been shearing
We will not have been shearing
They will not have been shearing
Will I have been shearing?
Will you have been shearing?
Will he/she/it have been shearing?
Will we have been shearing?
Will they have been shearing?

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