Упражнения на some, any, no и производные

Some, any, no и их производные

Прочитайте и выберите правильные варианты ответов
Read and choose the correct options
  1. There are is some pictures on the wall.
  2. There is a an some elephant in the zoo.
  3. There is are a pencil in the pencil case.
  4. There is a an some cola in the bottle.
  5. There is a some an dog on the bed.
Выберите правильные варианты ответов, чтобы закончить предложения
Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
  1. There aren't isn't any sausages in the fridge.
  2. There aren't any some eggs in the cake.
  3. There aren't any carrot carrots in the basket.
Разделите слова на группы
Divide the words into the groups

There isn't any pizza on the table.

Tea Butter Ice cream Pizza Notebooks Rats Sandwiches Biscuits There isn't any There aren't any

Прочитайте и дополните диалог
Read and complete the dialogue
Is Yes any No there isn't Are some

Sister: Let's make some biscuits! there any sugar?

Brother: , there is some.

Sister: Are there eggs?

Brother: , there aren't any.

Sister: Is any chocolate?

Brother: No, there any.

Sister: there any nuts?

Brother: Yes, there are .

Sister: Oh, we have to go to the supermarket first.

Прочитайте и дополните предложения
Read and complete the sentences
  1. There is a is an is any cat in the car.
  2. There is a are some is some water in the bucket.
  3. There are some are any is some biscuits in the cupboard.
  4. There isn't some isn't any isn't a pasta on the table.
  5. There isn't any aren't some aren't any toys in the room.
  6. Are Is Any there any peppers in the pizza? — Yes, there are some any there .
  7. Is there a any some soup in the fridge? — No, there isn't aren't not any.
Подберите слова к картинкам и выберите правильные варианты ответов
Match the words with the pictures and choose the correct options

Bananas, hairbrush, peppers, jars, yoghurt, shelf

a an some bananas Bananas

a an some hairbrush

a an some peppers

a an some jars

a an some yoghurt

a an some shelf

The image 1 is a derivative of "Свежие бананы на деревянном фоне. Фрукты, природа, еда" by serbogachuk on Envanto Elements The image 2 is a derivative of "Вид сверху деревянной щетки для волос на мраморной поверхности" by LightFieldStudios on Envanto Elements The image 3 is a derivative of "Красный, желтый и оранжевый перец" by twenty20photos on Envanto Elements The image 4 is a derivative of "свежий салат в банке " by tycoon101 on Envanto Elements The image 5 is a derivative of "миска йогурта" by magone on Envanto Elements The image 6 is a derivative of "полка на деревянной фоновой стене " by seregam on Envanto Elements

Соедините части предложений
Match the parts to make sentences

SGF2ZSB3ZSBnb3Q= YW55IGp1aWNlIGZvciB0aGUgcGFydHk/ SXMgdGhlcmUgYQ== Y2FrZSBpbiB0aGUgZnJpZGdlPw== V2UgaGF2ZSBnb3Qgc29tZQ== Y2hlZXNlIGZvciB0aGUgcGl6emEu V2UgbmVlZCBzb21lIHRvbWF0b2VzLiBIb3c= bWFueSBvZiB0aGVtIGhhdmUgd2UgZ290Pw== SSBjYW4ndCBzZWU= YW55IHNhbmR3aWNoZXMgb24gdGhlIHRhYmxlLg== Q2FuIHlvdSBnaXZlIG1lIGFu b3JhbmdlLCBwbGVhc2U/ SSBkb24ndCBrbm93IGhvdw== bXVjaCBtaWxrIHdlIG5lZWQu VGhlcmUgYXJl c29tZSB0YXN0eSBncmFwZXMu

Посмотрите на картинку и заполните пропуски в предложениях
Look at the picture and complete the sentences

a glass some juice an ice cream many apples much soup many fried potatoes any sandwiches
  1. Has Kate got of water?
  2. Ann and Liz have got orange .
  3. Tom has got .
  4. How has Ann got?
  5. Peter hasn't got .
  6. There are on Sue's plate.
  7. Are there on the table?

Выберите подходящие варианты ответов
Choose the correct option

  1. I'll make you some any no tea.
  2. Have we got some any no bananas?
  3. We can't make pancakes, we've got some any no eggs.
  4. Is there some any no juice in the fridge?
  5. There are some any no apples in my bag. It's empty.
  6. We need to buy some any no bread.
  7. There aren't some any no hotdogs left. Dad's eaten them all!
  8. Would you like some any no coffee?

Прослушайте диалог и заполните пропуски
Listen to the dialogue and complete it with some or any

Jane Dad Is there some any lemonade? No, sorry, there isn't some any lemonade, there's some any water. Are there some any crisps? No, sorry, there aren't some any crisps. Oh, are there some any sandwiches? Yes, there are. There are some any sandwiches and some any apples.

Прослушайте запись и выберите верные варианты ответов
Listen to the recording and choose the correct option

  1. There is some no pasta in the cupboard.
  2. There are some no tomatoes at home.
  3. There is some isn't any meat.
  4. There are some is an onion.
  5. Oscar is going to get orange juice any type of juice .

Выберите правильные варианты ответов
Choose some or any

  1. I bought (some/any) cheese, but I didn't buy (some/any) bread.
  2. I'm going to the post office. I need someany stamps.
  3. There aren't someany shops in this part of town.
  4. Gary and Alice haven't got someany children.
  5. Have you got someany brothers or sisters?
  6. There are someany beautiful flowers in the garden.
  7. Do you know someany good hotels in London?
  8. "Would you like someany tea?" "Yes, please."
  9. When we were on holiday, we visited someany very interesting places.
  10. Don't buy someany rice. We don't need someany.
  11. I went out to buy someany oranges, but they didn't have someany in the shop.
  12. I'm thirsty. Can I have someany water, please?

Заполните пропуски, используя some , any и слова из списка
Complete the sentences. Use some or any + the words in the box

questions photographs languages friends milk batteries air cheese help
  1. I want to wash my hair. Is there (some/any) shampoo?
  2. The police want to talk to you. They want to ask you someany .
  3. I haven't got my camera, so I can't take someany .
  4. Do you speak someany foreign ?
  5. Yesterday evening I went to a restaurant with someany of mine.
  6. Can I have someany in my coffee, please?
  7. The radio isn't working. There aren't someany in it.
  8. It's hot in this office. I'm going out for someany fresh .
  9. — Would you like someany ?

    — No, thank you. I've had enough to eat.
  10. I can do this job alone. I don't need someany .

Заполните пропуски
Complete the sentences. Use some or any.

  1. Jane didn't take any photographs, but (I/take) .
  2. "Where's your luggage?" "I (I/not/have) ."
  3. "Do you need any money?" "No, thank you I've got someI have some."
  4. "Can you lend me some money?" "I'm sorry, but I haven't got anyI haven't anyI don't have any."
  5. The tomatoes in the shop didn't look very good, so I didn't buy anyI did not buy any.
  6. There were some nice oranges in the shop, so I bought some.
  7. "How many phone calls did you make yesterday?" " I didn't make anyI did not make any."

Заполните пропуски
Complete the sentences with some, any or no

  1. We need an onion and some tomatoes for the salad.
  2. — Is there any fruit?
    — No, there is no fruit in the fridge.
  3. Can you buy some bananas at the supermarket, please?
  4. We've got some flour for the cake, but there aren't any eggs.
  5. I don't want any sugar in my coffee.
  6. There are no vegetables. We need to get some .

Еще упражнения по английскому языку


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